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Partner with ATECH

The success of ATECH depends on the active support and engagement of our local business community. But more importantly, your success and the future of the manufacturing industry both depend on the success of Appleton Technical Academy.

Other ways to support ATECH


Show support for ATECH by endorsing the school and having your company name listed on the school's website, promotional materials, and other PR.


Many of the classroom activities require consumable items, which can be donated. For example, welding wire and rods, welding tips, welding cups, welding coupons, grinding discs, and other items need to be replenished regularly. ATECH students will go through 15,000 welding coupons this year.


Donate or purchase equipment that will provide students with experience using up-to-date tools and machinery likely to be found in today's manufacturing environment. Advise and assist with the installation, calibration, and maintenance of equipment.

Financial Support

Provide monetary support to help individual students cover costs that aren't in a typical school budget, such as welding jackets & gloves, personal protective equipment (PPE), measurement devices, or specialized tools.

Classroom Involvement

Provide knowledgeable people from within your organization currently engaged in manufacturing careers to speak to students, provide demonstrations, assist with projects, serve as mentors, and more.

Partner with ATECH
Partner with ATECH

Curriculum Advisory

Help keep the curriculum relevant by serving as a resource to the governing board and staff. Help with developing classroom learning experiences that reflect work in the real world.

Career Exploration & Work Experiences

Enrich the student experience by offering tours of your manufacturing facility, job shadowing opportunities, co-op positions, internships, and youth apprenticeship placements.

Scholarships & Student Aid Grants

Provide a scholarship or grant for a graduating student to continue his or her education in a manufacturing career.

Obviously, this list is not all-inclusive. If your business wants to discuss one of these or any other idea for partnering with ATECH to support your future workforce, we encourage you to contact us at 920-852-5410.

Tax Deductibility

ATECH is an instrumentality of the Appleton Area School District and, as such, is tax-exempt. Donations are tax-deductible. The value of equipment and material will be determined by the donor using methods accepted by state and federal departments of revenue.

"ATECH's success depends heavily on the active support and involvement of businesses in our area. Our students' preparation for careers will be short-changed if they don't have classroom support and real workplace experiences provided by business."

Chris Linn

Former Governing Board Member, Appleton Technical Academy